Saturday 20 October 2012

It- Tmexxijja Ghaqlijja(?) Ta' Muscat

Good evening
                  While reading about health issues I suddenly asked myself a question. Is the Malta Labour Party as stable as it wants us to believe? Is young Joseph Muscat keeping a firm hold on his entourage now while still in opposition getting ready for the leap to stardom. (youngest Prime Minister already overshot by few months since January).
                 Well in January of this year Joseph made a reshuffle. It seems very strange to me that he put Onor Mary-Louise Coleio Preca responsible for health. She garnered thousands of votes in last election when she was responsible for social policy. In my opinion she was very good at this. So why take her off from this and place her in something she has little knowledge of? Not only so but also having a number of health professionals in his entourage (rearing for the 'BIG Leap') to choose from. Was he afraid of a mutiny? Was Michael Farrugia incompetent? Was Onor Zammit not capable of taking such a responsibility or was Muscat afraid of infighting and/or jealousy? Putting my friend  Tony Decelis responsible for agriculture and fisheries -a person so dedicated to hospital services- and yet not keeping him in charge of elderly or giving him a promotion (which he is better suited at)?
               Again, why put Karmenu Vella in charge of finance? I know he is a good business man but he was an expert in tourism. If you look around the only Labour Person who can really talk economics is Alfred Sant and Charles Mangion by experience the rest are lawyers. Lawyers, there seems to be quite a good number of them who might vie the post of justice minister in fact in the January reshuffle most have kept their place .Jose Herrera has kept this post as justice minister, might have helped Labour s Plan of an Early Election being so friendly to our justice exponents
                All of this makes me conclude that
                          1. Muscat was not interested in the nominating good shadow ministers. He just wanted to minimise his potential internal squabbles
                           2. He might have wanted to give extra experience to potential ministerial MP but it does not make sense keeping some in same positions and others changed completely after so many years of shadowing a particular responsibility .
                          3 He is afraid of internal squabbles and hopes that most will not get elected next election so meanwhile keep everyone guessing .
                  Is this the way how Joseph muscat will govern the nation if elected? Will we end up with incompetent people taking ministerial positions just to avoid internal mutiny. Will he continue keeping his mouth shut just to avoid good criticism ?
                 A smooth sea has never made a skilled mariner.

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