Saturday, 23 March 2013
Partit Nazzjonalista. A new era unfolds.
Unlike Partit Laburista Our glorious emblem Will never Change . We do not need to change it . We are proud of this because we associate this emblem to the progress of our country . We are at par with the most of the affluent European friends and much better than the rest of our European friends . No one can deny this .
Our Partit Nazzjonalista will change . It will evolve but it will never replace its Emblem or its Fehmiet Basici . The foundations of the Partit Nazzjonalista will remain there forever . These foundations based on the document issued on the 9 th july 1986 Fehmiet Bazici dealt with the basic building blocks of our Party . The significance of our Name , a Christian Democratic Party .and committed to fulfilling christian democratic principles ,fulfilling the ideal of each person's right to full development and guaranteeing maximum individual freedom in a framework of know laws and institutions which treat the rights of all persons as equal. That it believes in dialogue and in the principle of solidarity and subsidiarity and that the Nationalist party believes that everyone has the right and the duty to participate in the country's economic activity .
With new realities and a changing society ,it was obvious that the Partit Nazzjonalista had to move one step further . This was done with a document which was entitled "L-gheruq Taghna" . It encompassed 10 concepts which in Lawrence Gonzi 's words where our fingerprints . Our identity as christian democrats ,the family as the centre of our society, freedom of the individual ,respecting the rule of Law, responsible decisions taken by Partit Nazzjonista which are important for the common good but which can also be unpopular ,the solidarity and subsidiarity concepts ,dialogue as a means of inclusive politics ,the complete faith in the ability of the Maltese people who where always able to change difficulties into opportunity to grow ; direction and vision which where always maintained by the Partit Nazzjonalist and therefore everbody new the path taken and where this will eventualy lead to.
No other Party has ever been committed to these ideals .On the contrary ,to obtain a widespread voting catching base Labour shunned all its basic principle of partit tal haddiema ,changed to a Movement to encompass everyone ,changed its emblem to renounce its past ....and won the election.
In theory every person can identify himself or herself with the Labour party ,but now in government not everyone will be able to acknowledge this . It can never accommodate everyone and everything .
New realities and changing society require a new in depth study of these basic principles .
The new chapter which is now unfolding will also have to recognise these facts . The future leaders of our Party will have to acknowledge this before anything else . Our basic identity will remain there but our vision for this country and about this country will have to evolve . Divorce is a reality ,civil partnership is also a reality , the definition of a family has to be broadened ,single parenthood and mixed families are a reality ,multiculturalism is also a reality . The role of Malta in foreign issues ,whether in a European context or as happened with stark reality in Mediterranean issues has to be taken into account , the economic upheavals have also changed the playing field increasing the need for aggressive competitiveness and safeguarding the future of our children . We are now passing through a post-technology era where technology is part and parcel with human development and therefore our role in ensuring everyone has access to this.,Globalisation and ever changing strong economies of future China and India which can also bring economic challenges. These are new realities which have to be taken into account when leading a nation for future prosperity.
It is essential to do a post -mortem of an election defeat . It will always find human faults and human defects and million other causes .
It is now time to move forwards . Step by step the Partit Nazzjonalista will grow again . It will regenerate itself from above downwards . It will enrich itself with new talent and new ideas but maintain its firm commitment to ensure its basic principles coupled with a new vision and new direction . It will succeed because the past has shown that the Nationalist Party has always risen to the challenge when called for ,and it will do so now .
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Maduma changes i leave.
ReplyDeleteChange this emblem.
ReplyDeleteIt is like what they used to call 'faldrappa'. It is perfect for draping coffins,and its got too much Black in the colour scheme, not good for a bright future hmmm ?
In my opinion the flag, the crown and the initials obviously should remain but it needs a fresh, bright and new image.
ReplyDeletethe flag should not be changed. It brings memories when people had to fight for democracy and in those days people were united- all ages .we have to see where things went wrong and be sincere about it There is no doubt that the country benefited from the Pn and the government overcame difficulties but it was not close to the people and the people lost trust .In my opinion Ministers ought to have been changed more often .I think that would have helped
ReplyDeleteXtaqt inzid ftit punti
ReplyDelete1. L-ghazla ta kandidati ghal-kunsilli lokali matul dawn l-ahhar snin ma inghatatx attenzjoni li jixirqilha. Dan wassal li fil-kunsilli lokali il-Laburisti dehru li kapaci jmexxu u dan irrifletta tajjeb fl-elezzjoni ghax ta kredibilita lil PL.
2. Kumitati sezzjonali inezistenti apparti li il-partit ma kien sod xejn. Meta in nies qed jaghmlu kritika mhux nipruvaw nikkonvincuwhom li il-gvern qed jahdem tajjeb imma issir pressure biex il-gvern jindirizza l-issues.
3. Jekk ser noqghodu nistaqsu ghalfejn tlifna ma ahna ser naslu imkien. Li inridu nahsbu huwa dwar x’tip ta partit inridu ghal-futur. Sfortunatament dwar dan smajna ftit. Mhix kwistjoni ta ghazla ta kap imma ta x’partit inridu.
4. Il-metodu li ser tintuza ghal-ghazla tal-kap il-gdid ser ikun determinanti. Li mhux ser jigu involuti it-tesserati wisq nibza li ser iwassal biex il partit jibqa il-boghod minn nies
Hemm bzonn li ma nibqgħux aktar marbutin mal-passat. Irridu niġġeddu u nkunu aktar appellabli għaż-żminijiet li qed ngħixu fihom. Għandna bżonn branding frisk u attraenti!!