We are nearing the end of the electoral campaign. It has been tough. It has been stressful. Often ending with a fair amount of sleepless nights. At the same time, making new friends, whatever their political allegiance. Every day, bringing with it, a fair amount of new problems .
The only thing I can say is that I am more convinced than ever that my party, the Nationalist Party under Lawrence Gonzi, deserves to continue governing this beautiful island of ours.
Labour portrays itself as a well-oiled political party, but when you study it in detail you will find deep flaws which will crack if under any stress. It is as if you have a grandiose ship, like the Titanic, which broke apart in its maiden voyage and on deep analysis flaws in its structure were found.
What has happened to its energy policy and the grandiose power station idea? One week yes, 8 weeks nothing. Why? There are so many questions, time frames, variables which are difficult to quantify or qualify. They know that they got it all wrong. 5 whole years of preaching of lowering the energy and water utilities. In any parliamentary discussion, whether social, economic, environmental, this was always labour's battle cry. Now, a whole campaign relegated this issue to a few words. Did Muscat mention any of this in Friday's 'Xarabank' programme? They probably banked on the oil saga and this backfired on them. In fact even this was not mentioned in the same programme .
The Nationalist Party can boast of good results. Everyone knows this, maybe not everyone feels it but unlike the pre-EU era, now we have certificates which confirm results. No one can challenge these. They are there.
It is logical to say that getting these results against all odds, gives us some certainty for the future under Lawrence which labour under Muscat can never give. Ok, admittedly Muscat was never in Lawrence's position, but during his political career he was associated either directly or indirectly with descions which could have brought us, our country to our knees. Muscat is a political risk.
Malta is not a 'superpower'. Malta is not an oil producing country. It is a small island which can boast that out of all EU member states around a round table, it can hold its head high and can point to other members and say I am better than you -much better- than you .
Labour strikes at our heart. They want unity between all of us. They want to fix everything. They give us hope that all potholes will be fixed, that I can use Arriva and get to a place at super time, I can have my operation tomorrow and will have all customer care in every department greeting us with 'Hello, do you want a coffee?' They will reduce taxes as well as reduce electricity tariffs, they will pay for every operation done privately if these are not done on time at the state hospital, they will also spend millions on a new useless power station. They will do this with a new team. The majority have rarely been seen during this campaign. They are associated with past labour, so no good for the image. They will come out with full glory if Labour is elected .
That is Labour today. A nice bottle of wine with a beautiful label but with sour contents. Sometimes you go to a flea market and you find things which seem decrepit but with a bit of extra care, you get its full use and glamour, more than the recent new type which is usually cheaper, better looking to attract more but less durable and fails more. Some of us like designer stuff, they look cool, makes you feel important but are they really functional? That is Labour of today just good looks nothing else.
We need to assimilate all this and decide whether we want a showy Labour to lead us for the next 5 years or a battle hardened Nationalist Party who can withstand any onslaught thrown at it and yet obtain results and win each and every battle that is thrown at it.
we are human beings and not perfect . we all do mistakes and certain decisions taken for the good of the country could have actually hurt a section of the population .But this is the medicine which was needed at that particular time which enabled the whole country to move forwards
This is the reality the Nationalist Party has faced throughout its office .
It is this what the people need- reality not illusions or gimmicks.
Michael Gonzi
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