Saturday 1 December 2012

To Tonio Fenech

Dear Tonio,

                  I know you  are probably passing from a moment of reflection. I feel that I should point out some things to you. You have taught us one important lesson and probably this is one of your greatest values; that of loyalty and self-sacrifice. Few people would have done what you have done. Few of us would have chosen that path and no one did. It would have been easier to stay put and wait for the right time to make a similar move.
                 This is what makes you stand out even in defeat. You have won our loyalty, not that it was ever in doubt but now more than ever we respect you. In a previous blog I questioned who could have that "edge" between you and Simon who would have helped us win this election, not for the party but for the country. My opinion as you knew from the onset, was Simon. The  next challenge is completely different, much more important.
                 In his speech the Prime Minister told you that you are his Minister of Finance. You are our Minister of Finance and the Minister who represents the 12 district. Your judgements with regards to your portfolio were sometimes challenged but in  the end you were always proved right, look at the economic situation of our country and compare this to our neighbours. This proves your competence and statesmanship in your field.
                 Your present refection should now embark into the greatest challenge we have in a few months time. I am a candidate in the same district as you are . We have a good hardworking team . If things were different I would have put my whole weight behind you .

                So now lets work together as a team. Our country demands this .I believe sincerely that PN offers a much better prospects for a better life to our people more that Muscat's MLP. We do not project 'Harry Potter' magic and fantasies but reality. This is how we can convince people to vote for us in the next general election and who can do this better than you.

                                                                                      Michael Gonzi

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