Monday 1 October 2012

PN more progressive than MLP; History proves this

                              Good Evening

                          Partit Laburista : Moviment gdid ta progressivi u moderati . This should therefore include those citizens who have developed progressive views but also those with a moderate approach to politics ,the world . There should therefore be  a coalition of different thinkers and  the exact definition as taken from the electronic journal " " is ... a movement that is progressive because it does not fear change but is optimistic that things can work better, that believes that the future will be better than the past and that we all have a personal responsibility to make it so. Moderate because it is a platform for change in the medium to long term ."

                         To be honest, it is now that i delved a bit deep into the exact meaning of both catch phrases and my conclusion is that all this is common to all political parties who aspire to govern our country or any country. We all want change and we want this for this generation but for future generations. This change should result in better standard of living in every strata of society with a sustainable development of the country
                        The only catch in all this is that the Political Party in Malta which is really progressive and which has proved  all this during its history is the Nationalist Party and not The Malta Labour Party . The changes this country has seen in past 20 to30 years are mind blowing . Just compare 20 years of previous Labour governance and 20 Years under PN .  Compare like with like . Who was really progressive ? EU membership ,VAT , Tax reduction ,explosion in students entering into tertiary education ,ever increasing GDP , tackling  Tarzna , a jump from an economy based on labour intensive to an economy based on Value added ,intellectual, financial oriented economy , a jump in tourism, new hospital ,state of the art health services , .
                     OK now compare 1996-1998 under Alfed Sant, a labour government  to the following two years under PN .Again  progressiveness galore . Vat instead of the CET which had brought the country to its knees,removal of 50 cents fee on prescriptions , re- application for Eu membership  which has now enabled millions of euros to be invested in our country .

               But now we have a new Labour Party Leader Joseph Muscat who has declared that Simon Busuttil was wrong when he declared that with the Malta labour Party our country might end up needing a bailout like other European countries . The reason being that Malta " m ghandhiex dejn mal barranin " and that " l akbar certifikat ta gvern gdid taghtu l agenzija ta kreditu Fitch meta qalet li jkun xi jkun ir-rizultat tal-elezjoni ,is-sitwazjoni finanzjarja ta pajjizna se tibqa stabli."
             I have no doubt that after elections this will be the financial situation but can i ask what could happen under Joseph Muscat after a few months or years of his governance ?Under PN ; stability now ,stability then ,stability always.  period ! Just see what is happening to France  under Hollande after all those promises pre election
              Don't forget that Dom Mintoff , Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici , Alfred Sant do not actually have the best credentials for economic prowess and unfortunately Joseph Muscat is surrounded by people who where also present and active with All the former Labour Party leaders that slowed progressively the growth of our country  .
              One last thing , the minimum wage mix up of Joseph Muscat does not sound  progressive to me and the way it was lightly mentioned initially  and now aggressively defended shows lack of " moderati " ;no forward planning, no long term plan .

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